
Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition characterized by itchy, red skin covered with white or yellow greasy scales.
Generally, areas of the skin with more sebaceous glands are prone to this condition. Commonly seen on the scalp, hairline, behind ears, ear canal, around the nose, eyebrows, and chest areas. The condition affects both infants and adults.
In infants, the disorder is commonly referred to as “cradle cap,” due to its distinguishing scaly scalp. It can also affect the diaper area. The condition usually clears up within the first year.
In adults, the condition is often referred to as dandruff. Symptoms include an itchy scalp, dry or greasy scales, and yellow or red scaly rash. Seborrheic dermatitis may also appear as red, greasy skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales on other parts of the body, including the chest, armpits, and the area where your thigh meets the groin or the male scrotum.
Different factors may contribute to this condition. It is commonly caused by a fungus called Malassezia. But stress, fatigue, and neurological disorders may also trigger seborrheic dermatitis. Specific treatment for your seborrheic dermatitis can be determined at the Christell Skin Clinic.